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How to use Hook Grip | tape your thumbs and lift more!

How to use Hook Grip | tape your thumbs and lift more!

Hook grip differs from the typical overhand, pronated hand position one commonly uses on barbell lifts like deadlift, cleans, or any pulling variation. This distinction can make all the difference when lifting to get stronger. Due to the “hook”, this grip reduces forearm fatigue, eliminating the sensation of weakening hands while lifting.

Which Weighlifting Shoe is RIGHT for You?

Which Weighlifting Shoe is RIGHT for You?

I think it is important to ask the question, why does it matter? Why have 50 different pairs of shoes to match every outfit and every task? The image that comes to my mind is someone attempting a 100m dash in high heels. Not very effective. In a variety of situations, it is the proper footwear that can help facilitate better movement, better positions, and better results for that athlete or client. For those of us concerned with strength and resistance training, this means more weight on a barbell in turn providing more gains of strength.

Want to know THE BEST way to start OLYMPIC WEIGHTLIFTING?

Want to know THE BEST way to start OLYMPIC WEIGHTLIFTING?

I’ll be honest in that the Sport of Weightlifting is not for everyone. What I mean is that if you don’t possess the requisite base strength, dynamic joint stability, body awareness, and most importantly mobility, you’re setting yourself up for a long difficult road likely leading to injury. In the end this is where an experienced coach comes into play to help evaluate the best and safest option for each particular person and situation.

My Reflections from the 2015 USA Weightlifting National Championships

My Reflections from the 2015 USA Weightlifting National Championships

As I’ve reflected on how the entire experience unfolded, I can’t help but have feelings of joy in regards to the entire weekend, while still feeling unsatisfied with my final two clean and jerks. For me, with a lifetime of competing in individual sports, I’ve come understand that competition breeds in me a sense of clarity. I now possess a direct, uncluttered vantage point on what my goals are for the future. It’s time to get back to work, whittle away at my shortcomings, and continue to progress.