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How to get STRONG | The Warm Up (Part 1)

How to get STRONG | The Warm Up (Part 1)

A common problem people make in the process of warming up for resistance training isn’t always their physical preparation, but rather the selection of the weights they’ll use for warming up. No matter the training intent, no matter the rep range, no matter the total weight someone is shooting for, we will consistently see errors take place during the selection of warm up weights. Pick the right jumps and the correct number of reps to take at specified loads and you will be well on your way to making…

Resting to WIN!

Resting to WIN!

The challenge is that while you might think you can learn everything you need to know from all the “experts” out there on the internet, or download an ebook “How to get a 550lbs Deadlift in 50 days”, I am here today to tell you that the only true path that works is the unique path of the individual. I will also say that adding 50lbs to a 200lbs or 300lbs Deadlift is far more linear and straight forward than putting 50lbs on a 1/4 ton + Deadlift. Regardless of what plan you use, be it Conjugate, Linear or Undulating Periodization or something else, when it comes down to it you MUST have a plan and train the individual, learning along the way what works, as well as what doesn’t, for that person’s unique needs.

My Reflections from the 2015 USA Weightlifting National Championships

My Reflections from the 2015 USA Weightlifting National Championships

As I’ve reflected on how the entire experience unfolded, I can’t help but have feelings of joy in regards to the entire weekend, while still feeling unsatisfied with my final two clean and jerks. For me, with a lifetime of competing in individual sports, I’ve come understand that competition breeds in me a sense of clarity. I now possess a direct, uncluttered vantage point on what my goals are for the future. It’s time to get back to work, whittle away at my shortcomings, and continue to progress.