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360 JumpStart: The Un-bootcamp (Part 2 of 3)

360 JumpStart: The Un-bootcamp (Part 2 of 3)

Today I’d like to steer the conversation towards the topic of strength. Not crazy adonis strength, but quality ‘I want to make everything in my life better and easier’ sort of strength. Why should you care about the importance of a quality strength component within your overall training program? Strength training increases metabolism, prevents injury, burns more calories, and enables you to actively engage with the world around you.

360 JumpStart: The Un-bootcamp (Part 1 of 3)

360 JumpStart: The Un-bootcamp (Part 1 of 3)

The fitness industry is big business, and they know that the tougher a class sounds and looks, the more appealing it is to someone who wants fast results; and a bootcamp class sounds like the perfect choice. The truth of the matter is, slamming your body through a 60min cardio beat down session while incorporating movements you’ve not earned and can’t perform with any proficiency will lead to fatigue and injury.

SuperGreen Chia Pudding

SuperGreen Chia Pudding

Have you heard the statement that “Your GUT is Your Second Brain”? well it is, and taking care of your Gut Flora is key to your long term health and wellness. In this article Van shares her small tweaks to a great SuperGreen Chia Pudding recipe…

Burpee Tutorial | How to perform everyone’s least favorite exercise

Burpee Tutorial | How to perform everyone’s least favorite exercise

Burpees. Anyone who’s done them loathes them, everyone who hasn’t is scared of them, and for anyone else, you see them everywhere. Trouble is, many individuals struggle with the nuances of such a simple bodyweight movement. To get on the ground and get back up is about as “functional” as training can be; however improper implementation and poor coaching has left many with lacking performance or worse yet, at risk of injury. In this blog, supplemented by the video above, we’ll break down the burpee and give you the steps to developing mastery in one of the greatest exercises of all time.

5 Truths to Know About Your Beauty Products

5 Truths to Know About Your Beauty Products

There are a lot of pretty green leaves on packages and seductive claims about botanical ingredients vying for your attention, but beware, not all of them are trustworthy. Before you spend your hard-eaned money on that ‘oh-so-natural’ shampoo, moisturizer or lipstick, you need to read these five myth-busting realities to ensure you aren’t falling for any “green washing” ploys.

How to get STRONG | Progressing Work Sets (Part 2)

How to get STRONG | Progressing Work Sets (Part 2)

When it comes to getting strong, problems can arise when selecting the loads for working sets. Often times, too light of a weight is selected for an initial work set, or even more problematic, too big of jumps are made between attempts. Avoid the Goldilocks conundrum of too much or too little and discover how to structure out your working sets to progress your strength training.

How to get STRONG | The Warm Up (Part 1)

How to get STRONG | The Warm Up (Part 1)

A common problem people make in the process of warming up for resistance training isn’t always their physical preparation, but rather the selection of the weights they’ll use for warming up. No matter the training intent, no matter the rep range, no matter the total weight someone is shooting for, we will consistently see errors take place during the selection of warm up weights. Pick the right jumps and the correct number of reps to take at specified loads and you will be well on your way to making…

7 Chemicals Found in Most Hair Dyes to Avoid

7 Chemicals Found in Most Hair Dyes to Avoid

According to a European Commission report of 2006, not one hair dye brand has proven to be consumer safe. Not One! In fact the EU Commission has already banned 22 ingredients that may still be found in many products sold outside of Europe, and the commission is in the process of investigating another 115 potentially harmful ingredients.

How to use Hook Grip | tape your thumbs and lift more!

How to use Hook Grip | tape your thumbs and lift more!

Hook grip differs from the typical overhand, pronated hand position one commonly uses on barbell lifts like deadlift, cleans, or any pulling variation. This distinction can make all the difference when lifting to get stronger. Due to the “hook”, this grip reduces forearm fatigue, eliminating the sensation of weakening hands while lifting.