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How to get STRONG | Progressing Work Sets (Part 2)

How to get STRONG | Progressing Work Sets (Part 2)

When it comes to getting strong, problems can arise when selecting the loads for working sets. Often times, too light of a weight is selected for an initial work set, or even more problematic, too big of jumps are made between attempts. Avoid the Goldilocks conundrum of too much or too little and discover how to structure out your working sets to progress your strength training.

How to get STRONG | The Warm Up (Part 1)

How to get STRONG | The Warm Up (Part 1)

A common problem people make in the process of warming up for resistance training isn’t always their physical preparation, but rather the selection of the weights they’ll use for warming up. No matter the training intent, no matter the rep range, no matter the total weight someone is shooting for, we will consistently see errors take place during the selection of warm up weights. Pick the right jumps and the correct number of reps to take at specified loads and you will be well on your way to making…

How to use Hook Grip | tape your thumbs and lift more!

How to use Hook Grip | tape your thumbs and lift more!

Hook grip differs from the typical overhand, pronated hand position one commonly uses on barbell lifts like deadlift, cleans, or any pulling variation. This distinction can make all the difference when lifting to get stronger. Due to the “hook”, this grip reduces forearm fatigue, eliminating the sensation of weakening hands while lifting.

Who’s Going to be the Adult in the Room?

Who’s Going to be the Adult in the Room?

Today in the fitness industry, we are witnessing coaches, programs, and facilities lead clients towards injury or burnout because they never step up and lay down legitimate ground rules. In just ten seconds on the internet, one can find images and video compilations of a litany of fitness situations gone wrong. As a coach at a gym that earnestly strives for movement excellence, in these situations I have to ask, “Where was the adult”, “Why wasn’t this stopped”, or “Who in their right mind would allow this”?

The THREE Biggest Errors made while Rowing on a Concept2 Erg

The THREE Biggest Errors made while Rowing on a Concept2 Erg

While rowing on the erg, there are three common errors that we’ll typically see. After we introduce these inefficiencies and address their corrections, we hope you’ll walk away with tips than can make rowing not only easier, but ultimately improving your ability to produce power with less effort.

A Concept2 Rowing Tutorial: The FOUR Phases of Rowing

A Concept2 Rowing Tutorial: The FOUR Phases of Rowing

The erg rower is an phenomenal full body activity. The rower stroke is simple but exposing in that it truly requires the rider to be of sound technique to maximize it’s efficiency and effectiveness. The row stroke is broken down into four phases. Let’s dive into those four phases and with it, show you how to maximize your training, making time spent on the machine work for you not against you.