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Easy Peasy Homemade Breakfast Sausage

Easy Peasy Homemade Breakfast Sausage

By now, most everyone knows they ought to eat something for breakfast. From your mother trying to shove a muffin in your pocket on the way to school, to the coffee fueled mornings of corporate life, the human body craves something prior to the most productive time of our day: morning. But how do you know where to start?

Easy Slow Cooker Potato Leek Soup with Chicken

Easy Slow Cooker Potato Leek Soup with Chicken

Let’s talk comfort food — Warm, tasty goodness that simultaneously quenches your hunger and your nostalgia. Today I’ve got a super simple recipe that you can set and forget in your slow cooker, leaving you with a nutritionally dense dinner to accompany that post work Netflix binge.

Homemade Beef Jerky (Gluten Free, Paleo Friendly)

Homemade Beef Jerky (Gluten Free, Paleo Friendly)

Beef jerky has been one of my all time favorite foods ever since I was a child. For centuries, smoked and dried meat has been a great, nutritionally dense option for people on-the-go. Trouble is, you aren’t exactly snapping into health when you snap into a Slim Jim. Creating beef jerky at home is easy, and by following these instructions, you’ll have all that you need to master beef jerky in your own kitchen.