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Fixing CALLUSES | Proper Hand Care for Weight Training and Weightlifting

Fixing CALLUSES | Proper Hand Care for Weight Training and Weightlifting

Stop posting Instagrams of bloody and cleaved hands! If your lack of proper hand maintenance prevents you from grasping the bar, this is more shameful than heroic.  Anyone who is serious about their training understands that a day you can’t hold the weight is a day you can’t get better. Far too often proper hand care goes unaddressed by fitness novices and veterans alike and were here to HELP! Go take care of your hands, do it today, don’t delay! 

360 JumpStart: The Un-bootcamp (Part 3 of 3)

360 JumpStart: The Un-bootcamp (Part 3 of 3)

What did you learn at bootcamp class today? No seriously what did you learn?…or does that seem like an odd question to ask. My educated guess is that the answer would be ‘little to nothing’. Why you might ask, because for most trainers and clients it’s simply about the DOING. Show up -> Get Butt Kicked -> Go Home! Sound familiar? With that said, that’s not how we roll here at MSP Fitness.

360 JumpStart: The Un-bootcamp (Part 2 of 3)

360 JumpStart: The Un-bootcamp (Part 2 of 3)

Today I’d like to steer the conversation towards the topic of strength. Not crazy adonis strength, but quality ‘I want to make everything in my life better and easier’ sort of strength. Why should you care about the importance of a quality strength component within your overall training program? Strength training increases metabolism, prevents injury, burns more calories, and enables you to actively engage with the world around you.