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Want to know THE BEST way to start OLYMPIC WEIGHTLIFTING?

Want to know THE BEST way to start OLYMPIC WEIGHTLIFTING?

I’ll be honest in that the Sport of Weightlifting is not for everyone. What I mean is that if you don’t possess the requisite base strength, dynamic joint stability, body awareness, and most importantly mobility, you’re setting yourself up for a long difficult road likely leading to injury. In the end this is where an experienced coach comes into play to help evaluate the best and safest option for each particular person and situation.

Can I Have a Dr. Pepper With That Please?

Can I Have a Dr. Pepper With That Please?

Does it taste good? ‘You Bet Cha!’ The reality is many of you are making the conscious choice to consume a tasty soda beverage, and quite possibly a lot of it. Is that wrong? Believe it or not I say NO! It’s a choice and I’m not here to guilt or force you into changing your behavior. I’m here to help facilitate, and at times challenge you and your thinking, as in the end lasting change MUST come from within.

My Reflections from the 2015 USA Weightlifting National Championships

My Reflections from the 2015 USA Weightlifting National Championships

As I’ve reflected on how the entire experience unfolded, I can’t help but have feelings of joy in regards to the entire weekend, while still feeling unsatisfied with my final two clean and jerks. For me, with a lifetime of competing in individual sports, I’ve come understand that competition breeds in me a sense of clarity. I now possess a direct, uncluttered vantage point on what my goals are for the future. It’s time to get back to work, whittle away at my shortcomings, and continue to progress.