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10x Your Life — How to use Fitness as a Lifestyle Multiplier

10x Your Life — How to use Fitness as a Lifestyle Multiplier

Everyone, in some way, visualizes becoming a better version of themselves. Trouble is, a majority of people stop at visualizing. Few, if any, will take the action steps to become a better human than they were the day before. It makes no matter where one looks, failure to launch is ubiquitous. The path to success starts with…


Living a Toxin Free Lifestyle

The reason for my recent interest in the topic is for selfish reason. You see, I had been experiencing significant hair loss for the last couple years. All the experts were telling me that everything was fine, but I knew clearly it was not. What now? Start taking Rogain? NO! What I did was start to examine what was in my environment.

Don’t Give Into That FAD…Just Yet!

Don’t Give Into That FAD…Just Yet!

Health and fitness as a professional sector cannot escape the rolling tides of fads; we have this odd relationship with science and mysticism. People will have their feet firmly on the ground, and at the same time entertain far off notions and grandeurs. I’m gonna go gluten free. Tomorrow morning I start juicing. I really need to lower my calories. What do you think of green coffee extract? Are multivitamins bad? The list goes on and on…

Fitness is a Journey — Encourage Other Travelers

Fitness is a Journey — Encourage Other Travelers

When it comes to exercise, wellness, nutrition, “fill in the blank”, everyone is at different points along their own path. Don’t be the individual at the baby shower, the break room, or the facebook comment section who spouts off opinion-based anecdotals regarding someone else’s new fitness/nutrition regimen. In lieu of being a journey-wrecker, we can ALL choose to be bright spots of encouragement to the folks around us.

Don’t Forget to Give YOURSELF a Gift

Don’t Forget to Give YOURSELF a Gift

This time of year it’s all too frequent that I see on my clients face this wide eyed, stressed out look of despair around the litany of to do’s, to don’ts, and to suppose to’s. From the crazy consumerism frenzy, to all of the planning, running around, and traveling between the many arms that is our family tree, we can all too easily loose ourselves in the process. Isn’t this the time of giving though? Sure, but why can’t that include giving to yourself. Giving yourself the gift of some space. Some peace and quiet. Some time for your own reflection

Don’t Spill Your OWN Milk and Then CRY About It!

Don’t Spill Your OWN Milk and Then CRY About It!

Many of us have frameworks that we use to make healthy decisions, especially around our nutrition and lifestyle habits. Sometimes we make the conscious choice to deviate from that framework, and if by sound mind and body you’ve done this, then I’m here to say, enjoy! Where I take issue is when one deviates from their usual path, then beats themself up over it. That’s double dipping in the worst way.