4 Tips To Survive A Food Desert

4 Tips To Survive A Food Desert

When you’re home, you’ve got your nutrition on lock. You cook most meals and make good choices when you dine out — all fostering a habit of health in your home kitchen. But what happens when you leave home? How do you continue your habits on the road or abroad? And probably most importantly… What on earth do you do when there’s no Chipotle at your layover airport?!?

Quick Thoughts…

Quick Thoughts…

Have you seen the “Quick Thought” posts we’ve been making on social media? Amidst an age of soundbites and info-nuggets, we at MSP wanted to put together something a little more conscious than the typical fitness mumbo-jumbo that ends up populating... READ MORE
When Your Friends Don’t Join Your Fitness Revolution

When Your Friends Don’t Join Your Fitness Revolution

You’ve been making some BIG changes. You tuned up your diet. You’re getting to bed earlier. You started hitting the gym. You even quit a few nagging recreational habits.  GO YOU! You feel the benefits, and your friends know you are better off for it... READ MORE